On the 28th of February, it was the first official Maker Faire held in Ankara. It was a really small organisation when compared to the one I went to in Bay Area last year, but the Maker Faire here attracted much more attention then I had expected. Even tough the ‘Maker Movement’ is almost unknown in Turkey, approximately more than 2000 people visited the faire, with only 35 makers participating. It was also a very nice experience for me as I knew really few people in Turkey related to the maker movement. And almost all the people I knew about it where there. I also got to meet a lot of people, and because of the small number of makers, I also had time to meet the other makers and the organisers quite well. The event was in METU KKM (ODTÜ Kongre Kültür Merkezi) in a tight space. I showcased my home-built Prusa i3, Fillet Gauge, AutoCatch and a TweetBox that I recently made using a Raspberry Pi. There were people from all ages from little kids to old people that were all equally interested in my projects. Also because the event was in a university, there were a lot of college students who were interested in the Maker movement. Also next to my stand was Batuhan Esirger, a maker who is interested in the maker movement and 3D printing who showcased his fire breathing 3D printed dragon and other prints. It was a really awesome day and I am excited to join more of these events.