On the weekend of 7th of october, in Konya, I was invited to a science festival, kind of in the form of a maker faire. I was there with my friends who I had met in Maker Faire Ankara and their company, in the aim of promoting the technology of 3D printing which is rather uncommon here in Turkey. To my surprise, there were more than 60 makers/projects and 100,000 attendants. To put that into context, that is around 10 times the people who came to the Ankara Mini Maker Faire this year. This really made me feel great. Everyone from regular citizens and many kids to workers were there to see the projects with great interest. On top of this, I had so much fun spending time with my friends, including roaming around probably most of Konya to find a single restaurant (thanks Google Maps), almost missing the train to Ankara and more. But most importantly its was a great experience for me as always and I had a brilliant time. In about a week I will also be attending Istanbul Maker Faire which I will talk about here (I will link it when the faire actually takes place)