#MFBA16 Sum Up

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The Maker Faire Bay Area was probably my best maker experience so far. And being my first Maker Faire it felt absolutely amazing. Everything about it was a memory I will never forget. So this is my summary of Maker Faire Bay Area 2016.

To start it off, I reached an audience of 100 people that will use the fillet gauge which was my biggest success in Maker Faire in my opinion.. There were people buying 2 at a time, someone said anyone who doesn’t buy this is stupid and people who knew it’s use just didn’t even listen to me and bought one. I was participating in the Young Maker category and I even won the ‘Best In Class’ award. Another big thing that happened in Maker Faire was that I met with someone from one of the biggest newspaper brands in Turkey who published me on the main page. When I first saw the news I was really shocked and happy. I was sharing a booth with Omkar, a 9 year old who made a smartwatch kit for kids, and we became very good friends. Another friend I made was Sam from SeeMeCNC who was another young maker. Also to add to my joy, Maker Faire Bay Area is known to host some of the biggest companies and their CEOs. I met one of my icons, Brook Drumm from Printrbot who even bought a fillet gauge, Joseph Prusa and Massimo Banzi. I had an idea of marketing, got new ideas and most importantly, had a taste of the maker spirit with a 150 thousand other people. Having seen what other people have done, I now want to learn coding and do new projects with it. I didn’t have a lot of time to go around and see what other people did but there were some really amazing things. Next to my booth was a group of Japanese people called Brave Robotics who made a functioning Transformers, there were R2D2’s going everywhere around the faire, a Lego CNC, flame-throwing metal squids, 3 meter tall 3D printers, OS kits, electric converted cars, robots of all kind and many more. Overall I got inspiration from a lot of other projects and had a brilliant 3 days. Next year I am going to come again even tough I don’t know with what yet, so stay tuned for more maker projects and new designs.