On the weekend of 28th of June, there was an Astro Fest organised by the Bursa Science and Technology Centre in which participants from all over Turkey came to see all sorts of different space related activities. I also was one of the participants there and I showed the technology of 3D printing which is still relatively new in Turkey while printing the famous Digital Sun Dial designed by Mojoptix (incredible design). There were for instance professors in the math department of Utrecht University who were hosting several hands-on activities (talked about in more detail here), there was space observation with telescopes, telescope lens making and many more. And as I said I was in charge of the “Digital Sun Dial Making Activity”. I brought my Printrbot and My Prusa i3 with me. However my Printrbot’s x axis decided that it didn’t want to function anymore so I only printed with my Prusa. And that Prusa didn’t come back to Ankara with me, which I tell more about here. I had a small booth and a lot of people seemed to be interested in my booth. Anyway, it was a really awesome time to spent and place to be. I got to see Saturn and Jupiter, I learned about how an astrolabe works, met lots of new people interested in the same hobbies as me and as with every maker related event I go to, I had a blast. Plus I learned a few things about astronomy which is never a bad thing. I love learning about things that are unfamiliar to me.